
Every school year, parents, teachers and administrators deal with overwhelming numbers of sick children. In fact, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the average child catches at least eight colds in a year, and kids in the United States miss as many as 189 million school days each year because of common colds alone, not counting other infections from superbugs like MRSA. 

Healthy Schools

The flu shot is one of the most popular forms of preventive care to ward off flu viruses during the flu season.  Although getting a flu shot is important, administrators should also concentrate on keeping the schools and facilities germ-free by instituting a regular disinfecting regiment.  Many staff responsible for cleaning schools are not trained properly to disinfect.  They are also using outdated cleaning methods that do not eradicate germs. By improving the way public institutions are cleansed, administrators can fight germs at the ground level and effectively keep students, teachers, and staff safe from germs in the classroom.

HSP's Solution For Education:

  • Cleaner and disinfectant with fast kill times
  • ONE multipurpose solution replaces all disinfectants, deodorizers, sanitizers and cleaners
  • Fast acting against drug resistant superbugs (MRSA, VRE, etc) and viruses (Norovirus, Heptitis B, Heptitis C, HIV, Flu) 
  • Safe for the students, staff and visitors: non-toxic, VOC, fragrance free, and removes allergens
  • Compatible with hard surfaces, walls, floors and equipment
  • Sustainable with no harm to the environment

HSP's solution helped hundreds of customers to prevent infection, and keep the environment safe and clean.

Customer Benefits

  • Lower staff absenteeism, so reduced additional cost for supply teachers, in addition to salary for staff who are not working
  • Your reputation is maintained, helping you keep enrolment levels up and attract quality teaching staff
  • Avoid fines or lost revenue due to noncompliance with hygiene regulations